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SurveySensum is a leading customer feedback platform perfect for SMEs and larger corporations. It is more than just a platform — it's a comprehensive CX Consulting Service. Their dedicated CX consultants assist with everything from creating surveys to analyzing insights and determining which actions need to be taken based on these insights to achieve your business goals. Proudly serving over 500 businesses worldwide across 40+ countries, including the US and Asia, SurveySensum facilitates access to real-time, omnichannel consumer insights in an easy and affordable manner. Having formed partnerships with various sectors including FMCG, banking, retail, and automotive, SurveySensum boosts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lifetime value.
Tesla is a prominent American multinational automotive manufacturer and clean energy company. The company is based in Austin, Texas. It basically manufactures, designs, and sells battery electric vehicles, various storage devices, and related products. Tesla was formed by Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard in July 2003. The company?s initial name was Tesla Motors. The company named it as a tribute to Nikola Tesla, who was a great inventor and an electrical engineer. Tesla is considered the world?s most prestigious company in terms of market capitalization. In 2021, it became a trillion-dollar company and emerged as the leading player in the battery-electric vehicles market. In 2023, the company was ranked 69th on the Forbes Global 2000 list.
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