AutoNation is a publicly traded American company, established in 1996 by H. Wayne Huizenga, and based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. The company provides car dealerships like rental cars. It has acquired many companies to grow their business such as Snappy Car Rental, National Car Rental etc. This company was the first auto retailer in the U.S, in 2011 that used to sell approximately 8 million vehicles. The company was doing well as a big network of second hand automobile superstores before Republic Industries acquired it in 1997. Republic industries started buying new car dealerships and contracts to the owners who created the division of this company, and then the company started running its retail locations as ?AutoNation.?
Lear Corporation is a publicly traded American automobile manufacturer. It was founded in 1917 and is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan, United States. The company was also ranked 147th on the Fortune 500 list. In 1917, it was formerly known as American Metal Products, and it used to manufacture components for automobiles and aircraft. In the 1980s, after a few years, Lear started acquiring companies. Soon, it became a supplier of automotive systems and grew into a complete automotive manufacturing company. In 1999, the company acquired United Technologies Automotive, which manufactures electronic components, interior door panels, and other related products. As of now, the company has branches in 39 countries.
Genuine Parts is a publicly traded American automotive company based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Founded in 1925 by Carlyle and Malcolm Fraser, it distributes automotive parts, electronics products, and components. It serves customers worldwide, employs about 48,000, and acquired NAPA Auto Parts. The company also owns various subsidiaries and supplies its industrial and automotive replacement parts to customers worldwide. It was previously based in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., and then moved to Cobb Country, Georgia, in June 2016. This company supplies about 475,000 automotive parts to many states in the U.S., including North America, Australia, and New Zealand.
Group 1 Automotive is a publicly traded US-based car dealership company. It was formed in 1997 by Bob Howard, Sterling McCall, Charles Smith, and Kevin Whalen and headquartered in Houston, Texas, United States. The company also belongs to the top international automotive retailer companies on the Fortune 300 list. Group 1 Automotive provides new and second-hand cars and related vehicles and their maintenance services. It also sells automotive parts and employs about 13,000 people all over the world.? Group 1 Automotive was originally founded in 1997 under the CEO and chairman B.B. Hollingsworth. The company acquired many companies in the United States in different locations. It was ranked as one of the largest automotive retailers in America. It owns a huge list of subsidiaries, such as Bohn Holdings, Ira Automotive Group, Miller Imports, Lubbock Motors, and many more.?
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