5 Listings in Real estate Available

Product Description:

Weyerhaeuser is a publicly traded U.S.-based company, formed in 1900 and headquartered in Seattle, Washington, U.S. This company owns about 12,400,000 acres of timberlands in the United States. Weyerhaeuser also manufactured wood products for more than a century now and runs a real estate investment trust. The history of this company dates back to 1900 when Frederick Weyerhaeuser, after successfully managing mill operations with Frederick Denmann, formed the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. The company removed the word ?Timber? from its name to better represent its work. Then, it started the first bleached kraft pulp mill in Canada. The company started its main business during the 1990s, and it provided various services such as mortgage banking, financial services, personal care products, etc.



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