About Business

"Vcita company provides business management software that includes solutions for lead generation, CRM, billing and invoicing, online payments, etc. These services are especially targeted towards healthcare, home services, business services, education, beauty, and entertainment industries. The company was incorporated in 2010 by Eran Otmazgin and Itzik Levy. Today, it strengthens small businesses by helping them manage their business fundamentals, including money, time, marketing, and clients. While empowering the SME customer base, the company builds partnerships with global enterprises and creates innovative growth opportunities and long-lasting customer engagement. It stays aligned with its business needs and fosters a thriving culture at the company."

Email : info@vcita.com

Phone : 18558248244

Address : 10900 NE 8th St Ste 1490, Bellevue, Washington, 98004, United States


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